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Calgary Daily Online

  • 店主名称:卡城网店 没在线上
  • 店铺类型:正式店铺
  • 认证信息:
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  • 开店时间:2010-04-22
  • 联系电话:403-257-8116
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发布日期:2010-06-21 22:41 浏览人次:970

For the iPod shuffle (1st generation)

To charge a iPod shuffle battery, connect the device to a high-power USB port. Please be aware that USB keyboards and non-powered USB hubs generally do not have high-power USB ports. If you connect to a low or non-powered port, iPod shuffle will not charge.

Once the iPod shuffle is plugged in, it will take about 2 hours to charge the battery to 80% capacity and about 4 hours to charge it to 100%.  Important: The computer must be turned on and set to not go to sleep or hibernate.

To charge the battery using an iPod USB Power Adapter:

  1. Connect the AC plug adapter to the power adapter (they might already be connected).
  2. Plug the USB connector of the iPod shuffle into the power adapter.
  3. Plug the power adapter into a working electrical outlet.
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