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发布日期:2015-01-12 23:41 浏览人次:110
Far Superior to Any Other Resveratrol Supplements

Our Extra Strength Resveratrol Capsules contain the highest quality and content and are far superior to any other Resveratrol formula we know of. This offers a tremendous value to our customers who are looking for the anti-aging and health benefits of Resveratrol at a very affordable price.

Our exclusive Resveratrol formula is a powerful blend of Resveratrol, Grape Skin, Red Wine, Quercetin and Acetyl-L Carnitine.

Resveratrol in the News

Resveratrol has become widely publicized in the media, most recently on 60 Minutes and Barbara Walters because it is one of the most exciting anti-aging discoveries in decades and has only recently become available in purified form.

What is Resveratrol?

Resveratrol is a molecule found in the skin and seeds of red grapes. It comes from a variety of plants but is found mainly in grapes. For some time, scientists have known that groups of genes called sirtuins are involved in the aging process. These genes, when stimulated by the red wine chemical Resveratrol, or caloric restriction, appear to have a positive effect on both aging and health.

Each Two Capsule Daily Dose of Our Potent Resveratrol Supplement Gives You 500mg of Resveratrol with all the Health Benefits Red Wine and More…

Here is What you Get in Our Maximum Strength Resveratrol Capsules:

  • Grape Skin Extract 200mg- Contains ultra high levels of Resveratrol with powerful antioxidant.
  • Red Wine Concentrate 60mg- Delivers more Resveratrol and a full spectrum of powerful antioxidants to help fight free radicals.
  • Polygonum Cuspidatum 1000mg- Produces 500mg of highly potent Resveratrol, the amount suggested by many anti-aging studies.
  • Acetyl-Carnitine 40mg- Helps convert fat into energy.
  • Quercetin 40mg - Quercetin belongs to a group of plant pigments called flavonoids that give many fruits, flowers, and vegetables their color. Flavonoids, such as quercetin, have strong antioxidant properties.

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